
Mom & Me & Mom by DR. MAYA ANGELOU

I remember reading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by DR. MAYA ANGELOU . It's an autobiography which stays with you. When I began reading Mom and Me and Mom by Maya Angelou, I felt like this autobiography were as familiar as my home place. "I was three and Bailey was five when we arrived in Stamps, Arksas. We had identification tags on our arms..." However, in this latest autobiography there is so much to learn about Maya Angelou's mother. It is a memoir about the bond between mother and daughter. These two women lived to help and give love to one another at the worst of times and at the best of times. It's ironic because Dr. Maya Angelou was taller than her mother. In every way she seemed like the bigger sister, and her mother the younger sister. Dr. Maya Angelou describes and shows photos of her mother who was a very nice looking woman. She was also a woman who didn't mind pulling out her "piece" (gun) if necessary and chasin


" Daughters of  Jerusalem weep not,  for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. Luke 23:28   This is a story about different truths. Truths I would say are needful in order for me to continue my life journey successfully. The Copt answers the questions from a rabbi, a neighbor, a merchant, a young woman, etc. Each of these people asks a significant question of the Copt.  By the way the Egyptians ultimately gave the papyri to the Coptic museum in Cairo, Egypt . The papyri were found in the 1940's and went through different hands before landing in the Cairo museum. Anyway, it felt almost too good to be true to read questions I have wondered about myself.                                                                                None of the life questions bored me to tears. I sat in bed or on the couch reading at my normal rate of speed but praying all of the wonderful, wise and beautiful answers would stick in my head for the future. Then,

William Wordsworth

The Daffodils by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud    That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,    A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine    And twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretched in never-ending line    Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A Poet could not but be gay,    In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie    In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye    Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.(poem-a-day)


When a relative is in trouble, our first thought is to help them, to rescue them from whatever is bringing fear or discouragement into their lives. Piper is no different from any other Christian person. When her brother Reef is charged with murder, she decides to save him because she knows he would never kill another person. So Piper works beside and sometimes in front of Deputy Landon who is put on the case. Unfortunately, Reef  is found with Karli's body in his arms with the murder instrument, a knife, in his hands. Although it looks like he obviously murdered the woman, Piper never loses faith in Reef's innocence. Her desire to save her brother will find her talking to weird and dangerous characters as well as finding herself in a moving, very strong avalanche in Alaska. Before the crime is solved everything becomes more dense than a forest. I had no idea who would ultimately and involuntarily save Reef's life and destroy their own during the investigation. Although

The Reverend's Wife by KIMBERLA LAWSON ROBY

I've always heard of the high rate of divorce. However, seeing behind the doors of a bad marriage is really shocking.Charlotte and Reverend Curtis Black's marriage is so awful it would take too long to describe here. I do have to mention Charlotte's part in this stale marriage. Charlotte lives to tell about two extramarital affairs. I say lives to tell because my husband wouldn't allow me to live so long. I always hear of women having one affair but two affairs? That fact really shocked me. Of course, Reverend Black isn't perfect. He has a child from a different relationship, Curtina. For a long time Charlotte had trouble bonding with little Curtina. This made me think about how much and why children suffer over the mistakes grown-ups make when they're in love and out of love. The novel, The Reverend's Wife by KIMBERLA LAWSON ROBY, is a very serious Christian novel. There is so much about marriage and relationships with our children and friend relations

I Will Never Forget by ELAINE C. PEREIRA

There are so many books written about a family member becoming weighed down with Alzheimer's disease. There are also quite a few movies about the same subject. For this reason I thought I Will Never Forget by ELAINE C. PEREIRA  wouldn't move me much. However, I spent cherished moments with this book as the author weaved her mother's healthy life toward her life as a patient with Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I have often heard people say how a caretaker's life is altered along with the changes which happen to the patient. From reading the book it's like being thrown out in outer space with no map and little food to nourish the body. After all, most of don't know the first thing about handling a parent who is slowly becoming a child again. Elaine C. Pereira seemed to handle her mother with strength, grace and dignity. She didn't talk to her mother in a condescending manner. Neither did she just lose it and shout at her mother blaming her for a home


Anne is the major sleuth in this mystery. I really liked her. She is really brave. She moves around the most dangerous places in Florida. Never feeling the least bit afraid. Her number one thought is to find the killer or killers. In RING AROUND THE ROSY by JACKIE FULLERTON there is a string of revenge murders. All the murders are happening in the same family. After the murder, the murderer pins a note on the clothes of the murdered victim. Each murdered person is pinned with a single line from the English rhyme Ring Around The Rosy. This is the way the Detective, Don, and the other law enforcers and Anne can tell how many murders will be committed. Down to two lines of the rhyme they realize the murderer will kill two more people. The murderers want to destroy all of the descendents of this family line. I sang Ring around The Rosy with my friends as I grew up. Little did I realize what the little song meant. This song was sung during the Pox epidemic. That really shocked me. I th