Wondrous Words

"No matter how tired she was, she looked for wild parrots at the end of the day, walking out under the trees with her binoculars and camera at ready, but she'd had no luck spotting them. In the high leafy canopy of the ciebas, birds simply disappeared."

Ciebas   a very tall tropical American tree from which kapok is obtained, with lightweight yellowish or pinkish timber. It is pollinated by bats and was held sacred by the Maya.Google


Julia Tomiak said…
I've never heard of these trees - thanks.
Margot said…
I had no idea where kapok came from or there was such a tree. Very interesting. Thanks.
B Reading said…
As Margot says, I didn't know where kapok came from either. Thanks for the enlightenment on the tree.
Anonymous said…
I never heard of these trees either, very interesting.
I love words that are off the beaten path. Even when I have to make them up! :O)

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