Wondrous Words

Poem of the Day: Song for the Last Act

by Louise Bogan
"Now that I have your heart by heart, I see
The wharves with their great ships and architraves; "  Poetry Foundation

An architrave (/ˈɑrkɨtreɪv/; from Italian: architrave, also called an epistyle; from Greek ἐπίστυλον epistylon "door frame") is the lintel or beam that rests on the capitals of the columns. It is an architectural element in Classical architecture.google.com/search?q=architraves+define


 " Recently reissued by New York Review Books, this once-obscure novel, about a textramarital affair between two college instructors, is enjoying a second life as a contemporary classic."readitforward.com/bookshelf/14-campus-novels-will-make-want-go-back-school/

 The art of cheating on your partner using text messages.http://www.urbandictionary.com


grammajudyb said…
New to me words, but textramarital I was able to figure out. So many new words these days, only found in the Urban Dictionary.
bermudaonion said…
They're both new to me. I don't like textramarital at all.
Tea said…
I don't either. Just finished thinking about it. I don't know how to text a message.

Hi grammajudyb and bermudaonion.
Unknown said…
Textramarital is very modern.
I thought Textramarital might mean an affair in which the two participants' sole interaction was through intensely discussing books.

Here's my Wondrous Wednesday!
Julia Tomiak said…
Wow - textramarital. Can't believe someone invented a word for such a situation. Thanks for keeping me cutting edge. ;)
Anonymous said…
New word for me today also, textramarital, didn't know it existed.

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