The Sand Dollar: A STORY OF UNDYING LOVE by Sebastian Cole

The Sand Dollar: A Story of Undying Love by Sebastian Cole is thought provoking. I will continue to think about this novel for many days to come. I never thought there were so many ways to think about romantic love.  What is love? What is  false love? Noah and Robin are the main characters. There is always something or someone who presents an obstacle to their fast growing attraction for one another.Finding out whether there love is true and can last a life time takes a long time.
So often family members can present a problem for those who want to love one another forever. Noah is Jewish. Robin is not Jewish. This was not a problem for Noah or Robin. They just loved one another without a thought about the what ifs of loving someone who grew up with different traditions. However, Mariam, the mother, goes absolutely nuts when she learns that Robin is not Jewish. I was glad that Noah had the kind of love which remains steadfast through thick and thin. Robin was the one who taught him that it is alright to think for yourself and to make your own decisions. Your life is not your parents' life. Neither is your parents' life your life. Since life is as fragile as a Sand Dollar, there is no time to live by the persuasions of other people.

I felt that Noah's character grew far quicker than Robin's character. At some points in the novel I didn't like Robin. I felt she mistreated Noah. I felt she was terribly immature. I felt that she made Noah look and sound immature. I did not want Noah to love her. It is not easy to know whether Noah and Robin's love will last forever or just fall away in the sand. This is why I began to see the intricacies of love. For example, if the one you love stops loving you, do you continue to love them or give up and settle for a  person you only love a little bit? When is it time to give up on love? When is it time to hold steady and wait for the one you really love?

Yes, this is a tear jerker. For every tissue you use there is a golden nugget of truth about romantic love wrapped in the tear. The tears are not wasted. The tears cried while reading this book are splashes of the meaning of genuine love in a time when the world is turning, growing, changing so rapidly. It is a love letter to those who wish to love some one more honestly and more deeply than ever before in their life.

There is also the questions about the end of life. What happen to our bodies? What happens to our souls? When is it time to let a love one pass to the other side? How important is it to have a living will? These deep questions and other questions were laid before me by the author, Sebastian Cole. I am so happy this book came into my hands. I feel that the book might have been sent by the angels. sebastiancoleauthorabout-me,


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