
The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict

There are so many surprises in this novel titled "The Other Einstein" by Marie Benedict. One is Albert Einstein's seemingly selfish behavior toward the woman he falls in love with during an education in Physics. I am keeping an open mind because the "The Other Einstein" is written from the standpoint of the woman, his friend, lover and then, wife.  I don't know much about this very famous man. The title is what caught my interest. I've always been afraid to come near any works or words about him. Thinking him a great genius with a highly intellectualized equation frightened me away. Karen Benedict, the author, makes him totally human. She also presents him as very flawed. I've just been shocked again by the words in the book. There is a scripture quoted in the novel. It is always interesting to see or read about people who love the sciences like Physics and still have a high awareness of a God of the Universe. Anyway, the scripture is spoken by

Game of Queens by India Edghill

If you wonder what it's like to become a queen, read "Game of Queens" by India Edghill. In this Historical novel, I had the chance to experience the queenly lives of Vashti and Esther. A queen lives a life of beauty. There are horses, nightingales, silks and satins, banquets, etc. It's also a life where there is no freedom. It's a life of sacrifice. This novel speaks to women today. Most women will ask the question before death, have I ever really been free? Did love entrap me? Beauty? Money? A career? What? Vashti and Esther loved the same man. His name is King Ahaseurus. Vashti loved him as a brother. Esther loved him for his manliness. Who gained or lost the most for their gift of love? The novel makes you question their motives and applaud their strengths. There is a meeting of their friends too. Eunuchs. Men whose bodies have manipulated or shaped by castration. They are used by men in power. These men like Hegei and Hatach are capable of friendship a

Candle Day by Day Walk with Jesus / Candle Day by Day Bible

The Day by Day Bible by Juliet David comes in the form of a book and a calendar. Both books are beautiful. Especially nice is the stand up calendar. The calendar covers three hundred sixty-five days. The calendar is lightweight. There is printed material on both sides of the page.  The small book covers forty days of the year. The book is about Jesus' time here on earth. The calendar covers the New and Old Testament. In the book, there are wonderful titles for the story. For example, there is '"Cousin John"' and '"A Boy's Lunch."' In the margins, there are scriptures for the small

The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict


First Chapter, First Paragraph

Image "I come from a country that was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just about midday."

Small Writing Exercise

Emma walked slowly up the staircase. She put her hand to her heart. There is no reason to miss to miss visiting Mr. Cloak today. He is getting so fussy. It is not above him to expect a visit every Saturday along with freshly baked cinnamon buns.

The Book Of Harlan by Bernice L. McFadden

Wow! What didn't I think about "The Book Of Harlan by Bernice L. McFadden? The ending left a noise in my head. That's all I will write about that part of the book. Don't sneak a snoop! The novel happens during the Second World War. That war is written about often and talked about often as well. Still, there were subjects in the Historical novel which had never been heard about by me. One subject is passing. Of course, I've heard about Black people passing for White. I'd never heard of a White male wanting to pass for White except in Black Like Me. Sorry, I have forgotten the author. Lizard is the one who passes or wants to pass. Anyway, he loves the Black race. He loves Harlan, his friend. His feelings break his family's heart. The author Bernice L. McFadden uses a broken dish to describe the parents feelings about Lizard's actions. I could see and hear the plate breaking. What was so terrible about their