

I am so glad not to have missed The FINAL SUMMIT by ANDY ANDREWS. I met very famous people. People I never expected to meet except in a biography, autobiography or documentary. I met Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, King David from the Old Testament, Winston Churchill. There are too many famous names to mention. Just like there were too many famous people attending the Final Summit. Only a few people in the crowd truly shared words and ideas with the most important person, Archangel Gabriel. As easily guessed this book takes you in the world of time travel. The participants in the Summit are called travelers. David Ponder is the host at the table. In the center of the table is a time box. It is the most important object in the room. After all, without it some of the travelers might feel tempted to talk on and on and on. Archangel Gabriel gives the travelers one question. The question is:  what is needed to restore and establish a good civilizat

A Trail of Ink by MEL STARR

It makes me more than happy to know that A Trail of Ink by MEL STARR is a series. This novel is the third book in the series involving Hugh de Singleton, a surgeon. In this Medieval mystery Hugh de Singleton becomes wrapped up in a world of intrigue and also, jealousy. The surgeon learns of a friend's lost books. There are twenty-two books missing. Just imagine what this meant in the world at that time. During this era books were truly treasures to own. The missing books belong to John Wyclif. Hugh who reminds me of a gallant gentleman agrees to hunt for the books. To help him along the way he takes his loyal groom, Arthur. The romp through the streets of England is more than exciting. Men jump out out windows, ears are cut from the head and ladies go undercover on the streets where unreputable women go to sell their wares. Mel Starr is a gifted author. All of my senses were brought alive with the splash of mud, the sight of an ear hanging from a head, a man hanging upside d

how to Be Perfect by Daniel M. Harrell

In How to be Perfect by Daniel Harrell, I opened myself to read a book about Leviticus. Ever since I glimpsed the book of Leviticus in the Holy Bible I have felt afraid to go near that book in God's Holy Word. To me Leviticus seemed more than difficult to read and drier than hay on a farm floor. In church I would cringe if we had to turn to that book in the Bible. Thank goodness Daniel Harrell owns a good sense of humor. It made his book so easy to read. Secondly, he had nineteen church members along with him who were willing to talk about their anxieties and questions about Leviticus. They were willing to become risk takers in a new Biblical experiment. He and the brave nineteen people chose to seriously put their hearts and bodies to the effort of putting Leviticus in to practice for a whole month. I thought one lady had a very good idea. She immediately bought a child's version of the Bible. That way Leviticus would become much easier to read. Each person in a unique

SABBATH by dan b. allender

Dan B. Allender's SABBATH is an inspiring book about a journey you can take one day every week for the rest of your life. This day is the SABBATH. This one day chosen by GOD for man is not to be filled with legalisms. The Sabbath is like a fine dessert eaten after other heavy meals. The other heavy meals are activities done during the other days of the week. During the week trash is taken out, clothes are washed, school papers are graded, homework is scrutinized and moaned over, drivers try our patience by slowing down instead of speeding up on the highway.  Fun activities are just plain boring. The fatigue is so heavy inside like the honey in a bee that it is impossible not to yawn through television and sleep while we read a book. This means sitting in a  favorite chair at home and zonking out. Family and friends think this is relaxation. Really, a class is needed on how to relax because the world  is spinning faster and faster. The only way to survive is to ho

The Bishop's Daughter by TIFFANY L. WARREN A NOVEL

tiffanylwarren Traveling from Cleveland, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia has been so much fun. I liked all of the characters. The ones I did not like are not worth mentioning. However, I will mention Oscar. He wants to marry Emoni, the bishop's daughter. Emoni does not return his feelings. I don't blame her. Oscar turned me off from the very beginning. He proves that being too good gives the impression of being no good. The Bishop's Daughter by Tiffany L. Warren is the type of Christian fiction I want to read all the time. It's "real." The dialogue, the characters, the circumstances in the book are like people I have known or do know at the present time. The author made me realize the importance of blogs in the world today. Darrin throughout the novel keeps a blog telling his friends what is going on in his life. These breathing spots in the novel gave me time to laugh and release the steam building up due to what was happening in the pastor's


Phiip Yancey WHAT GOOD IS GOD BY PHILIP YANCEY is a magnificently inspiring book. Using ten examples of world shattering pain Philip Yancey is able to see light in the midst of darkness. It is true. No matter how dire the circumstances we never walk alone. For example, think of the famous words cross stitched on samplers, framed as photographs and stamped on greeting cards. The poem is called Footsteps in the Sand. The word picture shows one set of footsteps belonging to me. I looked for God to be walking beside me leaving his footsteps in the sand with mine. However, I only see one set of footsteps. I think this means He deserted me. To the contrary, He was carrying me. This is Divine grace. At the beginning of the book, Philip Yancey shares a personal experience. He almost lost his life in an accident. Along with this incident and ten other devastating events around the world I ended up asking myself not why did the shootings happen at Virginia Tech or why women

White Peacocks

On one of my many favorite blogs this morning I thought there was a white peacock. This made me think about what I might have dreamed of seeing in my mind. Anyway, who knew ??? I didn't. There are white peacocks. The white peacocks are gorgeous just like the royal blue and emerald green ones. White peacock  I would like to do a weekly meme. Name something or someone new you learned about in a book you're reading whether fiction or nonfiction. I've never given a meme. I would like to try. I guess the first thing to do is to ask people to sign up for the meme. It would begin next Tuesday.