The House Of Hawthorne by Erika Robuck (ARC)

The House of Hawthorne by Erika Robuck is a wonderful fictionalized biography. It's a love story between Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife, Sophia whose maiden name was Peabody. It's also about their children and their friends who become a part of this famous marriage. During their passionate marriage, Nathaniel Hawthorne suffered with dark moods at times. While Sophia Hawthorne suffered  chronic headaches. I didn't quite understand how the headaches related to Sophia Hawthorne's Art. However, the headaches did effect her painting times. I felt very sorry for her during these times.

The Hawthornes also faced  poverty. It's really strange to read about the early days of financial problems faced by an author. One whom is known to us as famous and possibly died wealthy. It's also interesting to read thoughts about slavery. There is a division in the family. The Hawthornes and the in-laws didn't share the same views about the slave question. With so much going on while they are married and making a family, the marriage never faltered. They loved one another through thick and thin.

It felt so exciting to meet the couple's friends. There is Franklin Pierce, Emerson, Thoreau and the Brownings.Compared to Europe, America is still a new country. America is still rethinking their political and social values. At the same time, they are traveling. I especially liked reading about the Hawthorne's travels to Cuba and Italy.

At the end of the book, Ericka Robuck  tells about Sophia rewriting  personal experiences using journals and letters written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in their earlier lives. The author gives a long bibliography at the end of the novel which made me want to go on another journey into the lives of Nathaniel and Sophia Hawthorne and the Peabody


bermudaonion said…
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