In Michigan during the time when men worked hard in the lumber camps to make money for their families three girls lived through horrible days of emotional and physical abuse. Two girls, Daisy and Lily, were sisters. Frankie is not a relative or a close friend. Of the girls only Lily has enough freedom to try and rescue Daisy. The novel Unending Devotion caused me to think about power. When power is in the wrong hands, all sorts of atrocious situations can happen in society. James Carr is a man with a magnificent amount of power. He is fully aware of the fact that people fear him. He is also aware of the fact that his power can reach as far as the tentacles of an octopus. He's a cruel man. I found it hard to believe that a man could live without a conscience and without a shred of kindness in him. What makes a person so heartless? I didn't have time or concern to worry about what made Carr tick psychologically. Like Lily I just wanted his senseless evil to end.

I liked Lily's character. Her whole heart is about removing evil from Michigan. She wants to see reform for young women who are being misused in the most ugliest of ways. Lily isn't afraid to put her life on the line. Even when she falls in love with Connell her heart doesn't settle because she is loved and safe. She still wants to see all the women set free who live in the stockade with James Carr. Sometimes a strong woman can help a man see the light and become stronger. This is one of those instances. Lily empowers Connell to fight for change in the lumber yards. Shanty men don't have to live in saloons for their relief from work and stress. Shanty men don't have to live in fear of one man like James Carr, a cheater and a thief.

Jody Hedlund writes about activism with a photographic eye. It is no wonder that Oren is a photographer and Lily acts as his assistant. The novel reminded me that when one of God's sheep are hurting. All of us must hurt until change happens in a whole society or to one or two people. I also thought about the fact that God doesn't allow evil to last forever. He loves us too much to allow pain to continue on and on and on. He is a God of Love.jodyhedlund



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