AMISH PRAYERS compiled byBEVERLY LEWIS is a beautiful, small prayer book for every moment of a life. I am certain to read and reread prayers over and over again in this book. At the bottom of the page of each prayer there is a scripture verse that fits the particular prayer. The prayers are wide ranging in theme.There are prayers for: unity, gratitude, guidance, praise, strength and for the evening  as well as other themes I have not named here.

What I liked most about the prayer book is the illustrations on the pages. These pictures are delicately sketched in a light reddish brown, a tint, of some sort. The illustrations alone made me want to stay longer in a quiet place to meditate. My favorite picture is the one of the Amish doll. She is used to illustrate comfort.

This book is a treasure chest of love and worship. The prayers are translated from the original German. It has been used by Amish and Mennonites for over 300 years. In the Foreword Beverly Lewis wrote "I am profoundly honored and most humbled to be connected in any small way to this revered collection."


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