
Morning light is green. Grass is wet. Brown leaves scattered. Squirrels stand still. Rain.
spring wildflowers on the mountainside my eyes gleam my heart is lifted

The House Of Hawthorne by Erika Robuck (ARC)

The House of Hawthorne by Erika Robuck is a wonderful fictionalized biography. It's a love story between Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife, Sophia whose maiden name was Peabody. It's also about their children and their friends who become a part of this famous marriage. During their passionate marriage, Nathaniel Hawthorne suffered with dark moods at times. While Sophia Hawthorne suffered  chronic headaches. I didn't quite understand how the headaches related to Sophia Hawthorne's Art. However, the headaches did effect her painting times. I felt very sorry for her during these times. The Hawthornes also faced  poverty. It's really strange to read about the early days of financial problems faced by an author. One whom is known to us as famous and possibly died wealthy. It's also interesting to read thoughts about slavery. There is a division in the family. The Hawthornes and the in-laws didn't share the same views about the slave question. With so much g


Blue robin sings on top a volcano peak each day a morning song

Andrea Carter's Tales from the Circle C Ranch by Susan K. Marlow

This is a book of short stories about Andrea Carter and her family. They live in California. Their home is called Circle C Ranch. It's in Central California. However, another story takes place at Puget Sound in Seattle. Andi Carter has a close relationship with her brothers, Justin, Mitch, Chad and sister, Melinda. The stories are historical adventure stories. In the late Nineteenth Century, people seem to have a very strict way of doing things. Andi's mother scolds her for wearing "britches." Little girls wear pants all the time now. However, that was a different time. This is also a time when calling cards are used.Calling calls were used to announce a visit. The Christmas story is my favorite. I had no idea how this story would turn out. Andi and her brothers go up into the Sierra mountains to find a Christmas tree. They get caught in a blizzard. I worried about Andi, Chad and Justin facing the very cold night. Thinking of this adventure I think of pan

Mailbox Monday


It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I finished  "Tales from the Circle C Ranch by Susan K. Marlow. Next I'm reading From Good to Grace by Christine Hoover. Then, I will start "The Hawk and the Dove" by Penelope Wilcock.