Four Fill-In Fun

Feeling Beachie

The statements:
  1. I am trying hard to learn how to ____
  2.  ___ makes me think that ____
  3. When you try too hard, _______
  4. Can you really______?
1. I am trying hard to learn how to stay up really late at night. I go to bed too early.
2. Wearing white makes me think that I need to lose weight quickly.
3. Whe you try too hard, you get nervous.
4. Can you really weave cloth?


I have never been a late night person. I always did my best work in the morning.
Yvonne said…
I stay up too late. I should go to sleep earlier. That's true that when you try too hard you get nervous. That happens to me.

Have a great weekend!
Elizabeth said…
Wow...wonder if anyone can weave cloth.

I can't stay up late either.

Thanks for sharing your answers.

Have a good weekend.

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In
Patricia said…
I am a night owl and always stay up way too late. I require naps. Stop wearing will feel better.
Tea said…
I don't wear white. I hate it (laughing). Thanks all of you for stopping by.
I'm a night owl myself but that started out of necessity but it was hard to get used to.
Thanks for stopping by my Friday 56 :D
-Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
Hilary said…
I have been conking out early too…. I used to be able to stay up so late… UGH
Rachael said…
An early night for me is a very rare thing : ( I could do with learning how to fall asleep earlier - enjoy your sleep lol

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