Wondrous Words

A lychgate, also spelled lichgate, lycugate, or as two separate words lych gate, (from Old English lic, corpse) is a gateway covered with a roof found at the entrance to a traditional English or English-style churchyard. Examples exist also outside the British Isles in places such as Sweden.Wikipedia (Bing)

Lychgate appeared more than a few times in A Saintly Killing by Martha Ockley. Took its appearance for granted and didn't write down a sentence. I had no idea what one would look like. I had never heard or read the word. In this instance, the lychgate is part of a vicarage.


bermudaonion said…
Oh, I've seen a lychgate but never knew it had a name!
grammajudyb said…
I've seen the word in a recent read, but I can't recall just which one. I did not look it up, I thought is was just another term for gate. That was how the sentence seemed at the time. Thanks for the photo, now I know.
Margot said…
Thanks for sharing this word. I've seen a lynchgate but never knew they had a special name.
Julia Tomiak said…
Cool word, and I'm glad you included the etymology and a picture. I might be able to remember it then.
Anonymous said…
Liked the picture, never heard of the word before.
Tea said…
Bermudaonion and Margot, sure would like to know where you've seen the lychgate. Were they outside of the United States?
Thanks all of you for stopping by.

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