Whom Can I Trust?

On our currency are the words, "In God we trust." I've never paid  much attention to those words until this week. It's this week I thought about how much it means to have a person or people near whom you can trust. Trust means a friend or relative will never harm you physically or emotionally because they love you deeply. I've often heard it said that true friends are hard to find. Rarely do you find people with five or more best friends. However, that alright. The quantity isn't important. The quality is important. Therefore, when I have a true friend or a true, loving relative, it's important not to take that person for granted. I must treat them with the care given to fine china dishes. Jesus is a true friend and a true brother. He gave His life for all our lives. He didn't want us to suffer for our sins. Now we aren't penalized with eternal death. He wanted us to experience eternal life with eternal peace and eternal pleasure.

This is why I can be grateful every day. Jesus promised never to leave me or forsake me. No matter how many other people would leave me, no matter what they would say about me, He would remain always and eternally loyal. This loyalty doesn't depend on me being good, being intelligent, being good looking. It depends on nothing but me being me and wanting Him in my life. He says, "I am with you always. I say, thank you and hallelujah.


Amen to that! About 12 years ago, I lay in the ER on a Sunday morning at about 6 am. We did not have a phone at the time and I had gone to the hospital straight from work, so I was 'alone'. (I thought I may be having a miscarriage.) I prayed, and I was no longer 'alone'. And my daughter's 12th birthday is about a month away. :O)

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