First Chapter, First Paragraph

"Hale's lungs were tight as he gripped his duffel in one hand and held his uniform over his shoulder with the other. he flew up the steps of the small fishing cottage that his wife was renting from the Shelby family and arrived on the wide porch. He had Imagined the moment he'd see her so many times that he felt like he was performing a play. He dropped the duffel right there and knocked on the screen door. Why was he knocking? She knew he was coming. He threw the door open and walked into the small entry. It opened into the family room. He wiped his feet while he scanned the space. "April!"


I'm not sure that this book wouldn't be a bit too sweet and syrupy for my taste and it probably wouldn't be one that I would choose to buy for myself.

That opening paragraph was intriguing enough to make me want to check out the synopsis though and it certainly sounds as though this is going to be quite an emotionally charged journey for the couple. I am guessing that after a lengthy spell away from home Hale may be feeling a bit like a stranger in his own home.

Thanks for sharing,


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