When God Says Wait by Elizabeth Laing Thompson

In our society, there is the idea it is better to move forward. Hurry! Make any decision just make one. Not many people talk about waiting and how to do it. To talk about waiting means a belief in the power of prayer. It means believing that you are not in control of your life, but God is in control of your life. It means praising God and learning more about His attributes.

In "When God Says Wait" by Elizabeth Laing Thompson, there are chapters with journal prompts to help a person come to a better understanding on how to endure while waiting for God to give you what is best for your life. The journal entries are simple. I felt no anxiety about trying two or more of them. I had the chance to write and think about the pitfalls you might fall into while God is equipping you with patience. One is mental depression.

The chapters are about Bible heroes and heroines. There is Mariam, Joseph, Mary and Naomi, etc. The author also shares her life in the chapters. While these people were waiting and enduring painful situation, they learned to go on with their lives. This brings me to one of the points I really liked. Always make use of your journey. Perhaps, taking up a new hobby or hobbies might help. I laughed, for some reason, when Elizabeth Laing Thompson began to play the Oboe again. Her experience caused me to think about learning a new craft like sewing or jewelry making. After all, a watched pot never boils.

Also, God is making us wait not to torture us but to teach us wonderful spiritual lessons along the way. I truly enjoyed reading about the author's life. She comes across as a very real person and a fine example as you wait for God to work His way in your life.

Thank you to Barbour Publishing for this courtesy copy.


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