
I still Remember

Many years ago God took my mother home to Glory. Still, her words ring in my ears. At one point in my childhood, I was plagued with nightmares. I might have been eight or nine years old. One particular day after a sleepless night my mother told me, "whenever one of those boogie-man dreams makes you want to run under the bed, call me I will come. Also, repeat the Bible verses I taught you. Remember Psalm 23?." I would repeat those verses during a church recital in Baltimore while visiting my aunt and uncle. For my effort, I won a brand new Bible. The Bible was all white and the page  were edged  in bright gold. I felt so happy. Now I think of Psalm 23 as one of God's rescue verses. All I have to do is read or repeat the first verse of Psalm 23, immediately I am taken to a place of hope and safety. I am rescued. I am fond of the family memories surrounding  this verse. I am also a lover of sheep. This Psalm helps me see Jesus as The Divine Shepherd . I have never seen

Mercy's Rain by Cindy K. Sproles

In Mercy's Rain by Cindy K. Sproles, the main character is Mercy Roller. She lives in the Appalachian mountains. It's the Nineteenth Century. Mercy's father is a pastor. There is her mother and her best friend, Maddie. The mountains change with the beauty of the seasons. This is all of the beauty seen by Mercy. Her life is difficult, deplorable and desolate. All of the ugliness in Mercy's life is caused by the Pastor. The Pastor's deeds are almost unbelievable. He not only piles abuse on his family. He also abuses the surrounding community. He kills Stanley during a baptism. Stanley has Polio. I found myself saying more than once under my breath "Lord, have mercy." When Pastor is around, that is all you can hope for is mercy. Not a day goes by when Mercy doesn't hear her name spoken by someone. There is a roaring river that goes along the mountain.The river seemed to call for "Mercy" too. There is one question that Mercy must have asked he

There Are Reasons Jesus Chose To Ride A Donkey Into Jerusalem by Hattie Norman

It is nearing the Easter season. This morning I thought about the way Jesus chose to arrive in Jerusalem. He didn't choose a beautiful black Stallion. He didn't choose a handsome Arabian horse. He chose to ride a donkey into Jerusalem. When thinking about animals, I rarely give a thought to donkeys. Therefore, I don't know anything about donkeys. This morning, instead of a donkey, my mind pictured a goat. I suppose because of the Fairy tale, Billy Goat Gruff. Then, I thought of goat milk and goat cheese. A donkey? Well, a donkey does have a few good character traits: A donkey is small. A donkey can show as many feelings as a collie or another type of dog. A donkey is also assertive. Plus, a donkey will allow children to ride him. When I read these traits, I understood a little better why Jesus chose the donkey for his celebratory entrance into Jerusalem. This morning I wanted to think of the size of the donkey. Because a donkey is small, I think Jesus wanted to show

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello!  Welcome to It’s Monday What Are You Reading?  The meme that we use to share what we read this past week and what our plans are for the upcoming week.  It’s a great way to see what others are reading and add to your own To Be Read list. :D  You never know where that next great read may come from! This meme does help me to stay organized. So, here I am again. I can write enough about Mercy's Rain. It's a great novel. It's by Cindy K. Sproles. The setting is Appalachia. I've had Quest For The Nail Prints by Don Furr for a while. It's really good too. Have read about three quarters. Have forgotten most of it. So, I'm starting from the beginning. Another book is A Glorious Dark by Swoboda.

Live A Little by Rhonda McKnight

Raine and Gage share a beautiful relationship. This Christian romance is so uplifting. Both of the characters  are struggling with trials in their lives. Gage is fighting with war memories. Raine is struggling with overcoming loneliness after losing both of her adoptive parents. She has no other family. Plus, she has only one friend, her best friend who has moved to Arizona. Raine's loneliness is about to drive her over the edge. Gage arrives in her life just in time. Along with Gage will come a big family of brothers and sisters who want the best for him. The novella is inspirational. There are scriptures to hold any person rock steady in whatever struggle they are facing while reading the book. The relationship between these two people is sweet and romantic. There is also quite a bit to learn about Veterans who come back from Afghanistan and/or Iraq. Their lives are far from easy. Thank goodness for places like Hope House. Live a Little by Rhonda McKnight is filled with hope

Book Beginnings

"Alice sat at her desk in their bedroom distracted by the sounds of John racing through each of the rooms on the first floor. She needed to finish her peer review of a paper submitted to the Journal of Cognitive Psychology before her flight, and she'd just read the same sentence three times without comprehending it."

Friday 56

"Okay, I'm going to tell you a name and address, and you're going to repeat it back to me. Then, we're going to do some other things, and I'm going to ask you to repeat the same name and address again later. Ready, here it is--John Black, 42 West Street, Brighton. Can you repeat that for me?"