Live A Little by Rhonda McKnight

Raine and Gage share a beautiful relationship. This Christian romance is so uplifting. Both of the characters  are struggling with trials in their lives. Gage is fighting with war memories. Raine is struggling with overcoming loneliness after losing both of her adoptive parents. She has no other family. Plus, she has only one friend, her best friend who has moved to Arizona. Raine's loneliness is about to drive her over the edge. Gage arrives in her life just in time. Along with Gage will come a big family of brothers and sisters who want the best for him.

The novella is inspirational. There are scriptures to hold any person rock steady in whatever struggle they are facing while reading the book. The relationship between these two people is sweet and romantic. There is also quite a bit to learn about Veterans who come back from Afghanistan and/or Iraq. Their lives are far from easy. Thank goodness for places like Hope House. Live a Little by Rhonda McKnight is filled with hope. There is no need to give up. The sun will shine tomorrow.


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