Days Of Awe by Lauren Fox

"The morning of Josie's funeral was cloudless and knife-sharp, one of those bitter spring days that comes sandwiched between warmer ones and reminds you not to grow accustomed to good things. I was leaning against my car, face to the sun, trying to breathe, when Mark pulled into a spot near mine. I turned and watched as he got out of the car. He wore the scarf Chris and I had gotten him for his last birthday, soft dark blue cashmere, and my heart slammed inside my chest: that beautiful scarf still existed, warm as a blanket, and Josie was gone."


Literary Feline said…
Such a sad opening. I remember hearing about this one before and being curious about it. The intro drew me in right away. I hope to read this one at some point. I hope you are enjoying it!
Oh, what a perfect description of a sad day...a "knife-sharp" day seems appropriate.

Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.
I've been hearing a lot about this book. I really like the opening, so I'd keep reading!
Kay said…
This is a sad paragraph, but I'm definitely interested in the book. Have been reading a bit about it around the blogs. Hope it's a good one.
I reviewed this one recently...and really loved it! It started a bit slowly for me, but I ended up loving her snarky writing style!
Oh wow Tea, sad but compelling. I'd read more.
Tea said…
All of you are in my head, I'm having the same thoughts about this one. Glad you stopped by my house.:)
bermudaonion said…
I'm looking forward to reading this one!

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