
Feeling The Weight Of Lightness

"It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old."  Oh my, this is difficult for me. The past gets up with me every morning and stays with me throughout the day. There are days when I find myself holding my cat like a baby. I rock her back and forth. I pretend she is one of my children or grandchildren who have become reborn. Then, I shake myself. No matter how beautiful the experience it is impossible to bring back what has gone. I become humbled like a slave before his master or like a Feudal slave before a king. I must give Time  to God. I must bring this part of my pain before His throne and leave it there. His way is so simple and filled with infinite stars of love. He will enable me to pick up today and my tomorrows and allow me to start all over again. I am like the sea. I am free. I roll back and forth like a sea wave knowing my burden has been lightened by one who will love me eternally. Matthew 11:30

I Have A Voice by Tyler Williams

This is an inspiring non-fiction book about the importance of having a passion. I feel the title especially the word "voice" is important. "I have a voice" means I have a reason to live now. Because it's been difficult for me to find my purpose I handle each book written about purpose carefully. My life meaning is like God's personal voice speaking to me about how I can please Him and myself. He cares. He wants me to feel happy. I am thankful Tyler Williams book "I Have A Voice" is written simply and practically. The author writes about his endeavors without leaving out the hard times. He made mistakes along the way. He says these moments of failure are really his teachers as he walks to success. He has been a NASCAR driver, he has been on stage as an entertainer, and he is a speaker and a singer. He shares many personal examples about his life choices. Before each chapter there are quotations. I would like to end with this one. "If you


I know, I know! It's only a one line quote. I couldn't resist it. Honesty, truth, it's all here. What is it saying to me and maybe to you?                                          "I didn't run away, I walked away by..."

A Stronger Woman Than I

Oh boy, what a hard time I'm having here. I would like to do more Bible study. I am no different from most of us, free time is hard to find. When I have free time, I might end up reading a novel, looking at patterns for stitching or just daydreaming. However, I am inspired by Sojourner Truth this morning . I am reading her Slave narrative. All slave narratives are poignant. The one I am presently reading always seems like the most perfect one, the one that meets my needs. Without reading the narrative, Sojourner Truth's name alone speaks loudly to me. I look at her face and think of character. Doesn't it look like honesty? Truth, is written all over her face? She's fully clothed in it just like the apron worn around her waist. In prayer, I ask Sojourner Truth to take me on a Faith journey today and tomorrow and... Make me a bit stronger in my many weak places, Lord. Like you did and continue to do in each life.

I Have A Voice by Tyler Williams

    Reading Tyler Williams' I Have A Voice. "Story," I hear that word or read it so often from different sources. What does it mean? It's very significant. I feel it's too big, the meaning, for me to capture. It alludes me like a butterfly. I'm going to spend time resting with the word "story." It's a surreal word, like a dream. If I can imagine, boundaries become boundless.

Everyday Use by Alice Walker

I'm still thinking about Maggie and Dee in the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker. Which sister, Maggie or Dee, is more complicated? Are they equally complicated or not complicated at all. This sentence from the story is hard to unravel. Here it is: " She looked at her sister with something like fear, but she wasn't mad at her. This was Maggie's portion. This was the way she knew God to work."

Don't Come In~

My thoughts are poisoned with Ivy. Tangled and dark on a forest floor In China. Hunted and searched by day and By night. Dyed ebony sewn with tears.