I Have A Voice by Tyler Williams

This is an inspiring non-fiction book about the importance of having a passion. I feel the title especially the word "voice" is important. "I have a voice" means I have a reason to live now.
Because it's been difficult for me to find my purpose I handle each book written about purpose carefully. My life meaning is like God's personal voice speaking to me about how I can please Him and myself. He cares. He wants me to feel happy. I am thankful Tyler Williams book "I Have A Voice" is written simply and practically.

The author writes about his endeavors without leaving out the hard times. He made mistakes along the way. He says these moments of failure are really his teachers as he walks to success. He has been a NASCAR driver, he has been on stage as an entertainer, and he is a speaker and a singer. He shares many personal examples about his life choices. Before each chapter there are quotations. I would like to end with this one. "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." This is in a chapter titled "Leave A Legacy." I hope this quote will stick firmly in my mind. It is a fine definition of legacy. I am grateful to The Cadence Group for a copy of this book. thecadencegrp.com


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