
Book Beginnings

Image It was unseasonably warm for February, even for California. The day was sunny and crisp, and we had a four-hour break during my older daughter's swimming competition, so my younger daughter asked me if we could go shopping. Naturally. Eleven-year-old Jessie loved to shop, and it had not escaped her that there was a candy store just a few blocks away. Fashion and sweets--combine those two  things in a single day, and you could make her as happy as a wren in a birdbath."

Friday 56

"The side effects came fast and furious. There were headaches, weakness, lack of appetite, and agitation first, along with the inability to sleep. She moved into our bedroom at night, and we bought audiobooks for her to listen to while everyone else was asleep. She listened to the whole Hunger Games trilogy in the wee hours, while also playing on her iPad. I'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and glance over to see if she was awake, which I could detect easily by the blue glow from the screen."

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Americanah is a big saga of some sort. Does Americanah end for me? No. One more word or two or three. I have to mention Aunty and Dike. This is America from a very young boy's place in life. It shocked me. It hurt me. It tore Ifemelu apart. She will fly him over to Nigeria. His coming home to Africa, his roots, brings me to think that Ms. Adichie is saying you can go home again, but take or bring some over to visit from he states. Let them experience the joyful roller coaster ride of experiencing two very different homelands in one lifetime like Ifemelu experienced it.


Image I am currently reading Adultery by Paulo Coelho. The story sucked me in immediately. It's written very honestly. It seems from a woman's standpoint. I can't believe or I should believe he really understands the heart of women. I am also reading Making sense Of The Bible by David Whitehead. It's written very simply which means I can understand it. It's not hard and heavy.This weekend I want to spend time reading a cozy for the mystery challenge and a Donna Leon mystery. I definitely won't get to all of these books. Next, I need to start 'Til the Well Runs Dry by Frances Sharma. The Literary People of Color club on Goodreads is starting this one on September 1st.

Tour: The Girl Who Came Back To Life by Craig Staufenberg (Oct., 2014)

Wondrous Words

Aquascutum "He wants to ruin my Aquascutum. It was my last birthday present from Georgiana," Emenike said hanging the jacket back behind his chair." "Aquascutum" is a UK -based luxury clothing manufacturer and retailer . In April 2012, it was sold by Jaeger to YGM Trading , a Chinese fashion retailer.(Wikipedia) Jingoistic "I found America quite jingoistic, too, when I did my fellowship training there." Adj. 1. jingoistic - fanatically patriotic               flag-waving , nationalistic , superpatriotic , ultranationalistic , chauvinistic patriotic , loyal - inspired by love for your country

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

"I'd forgotten that Lagos is so expensive. I can't believe how much money the Nigerian wealthy spend....And they don't just spend  a lot, they expect to spend a lot. I met this guy the other day, and he was ...Otherwise, he said, the Nigerian wealthy would not buy. He doubled it and it worked...It's as if we are looking at an adult Nigeria that we didn't know about." Lagos Lonely Planet   A slave port where African slaves were brought....