
Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

Image ____ makes me _____  I love a ______ When I’m stressed, I ______ My favorite smell in the world is ______ 1. Giving a speech in front of an audience makes me want to die. 2.I love a good book. 3.When I'm stressed, I eat snacks. 4.My favorite smell in the world is vanilla and lavender. 

Book Blogger Hop

beckvalleybooks2014/07/book-blogger-hop Do you read books translation? What are the last 3 books in translation you read?????  I always get nervous seeing the words "books in translation." I know little or nothing about the subject. I am only aware that this topic comes up in some book discussions. For example, it came up in our Don Quixote book discussion. At one time I wanted to read War And Peace by Tolstoy. I didn't read but about thirty pages. Anyway, the subject about books in translation did come up. I wish some knowing person would write a blog post about this subject. How can you tell which books need translation, which are translated in the most simple fashion, etc.? 

Wondrous Words

Every act of perception, is to some degree an act of creation, and every act of memory is to some degree an act of imagination. Oliver Sacks Happy 81st birthday, Oliver Sacks! The author of popular case studies of neurological disorders actually suffers from a disorder of his own— prosopagnosia , also known as face definition   Prosopagnosia is a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to recognize faces.  Prosopagnosia is also known as face blindness or facial agnosia.  The term prosopagnosia comes from the Greek words for “face” and “lack of knowledge.”   Depending upon the degree of impairment, some people with prosopagnosia may only have difficulty recognizing a familiar face; others will be unable to discriminate between unknown faces, while still others may not even be able to distinguish a face

Breaking All The Rules by Rhonda Mcknight

Janette does the unthinkable. She marries her sister, Deniece's ex-boyfriend. Although they are ex-boyfriend and girlfriend, it seems like Janette has made an uncaring mistake. Deniece is hurt by the situation. However, she realizes sisters are forever. So she plans the wedding for Janette and Terrance. All involved are hurt by this mixed up bowl of feelings. It's interesting to discover how each one involved will handle the predicament.  This is a wonderful Christian Fiction novel. Rhonda Mcknight in Breaking All The Rules  helped me rediscover the importance of family. Whatever goes wrong the relationships must continue until a breakthrough. Deniece is wonderful. Nothing disentangles her from the family. She goes so far as to help with wedding finances and plans the wedding. Oddly, she doesn't seem like a goody two shoes. She seems like a normal woman who loves her sister deeply.  I also thought about hurting other people. Falling in love is a delicate situation.

First Chapter, First Paragraph

" Hale's lungs were tight as he gripped his duffel in one hand and held his uniform over his shoulder with the other. he flew up the steps of the small fishing cottage that his wife was renting from the Shelby family and arrived on the wide porch. He had Imagined the moment he'd see her so many times that he felt like he was performing a play. He dropped the duffel right there and knocked on the screen door. Why was he knocking? She knew he was coming. He threw the door open and walked into the small entry. It opened into the family room. He wiped his feet while he scanned the space. "April!"

Teaser Tuesday

"I love to read," he said as he wrapped it up. "One day I'm going to find a woman who likes to read too and we'll lie in hammocks in our backyard and read to each other." OMG!....I'm guessing that hammock is hanging up in Argentina or Africa somewhere?" "It'll be where ever she wants it to be. I've seen the world. I can settle down," he said. "With the right woman."

Travels with Charley by John steinbeck

Like John Steinbeck and Charley, I am happily exhausted. The two really did go across country in a pickup truck covered with a cab. The journey started off up in Maine and ended at home, New York. I enjoyed Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck because of the author's ability to nab the seemingly most significant thoughts to share about a place.  In Maine, he talked about the Canucks. This is a group of ethnically related people like, I guess, the Cajuns. Then, way down in Texas, John Steinbeck shared how the really rich people dress down. The worn boots, worn blue jeans meant that guy had real cash, the big bucks. I thought that was interesting. However, Mr. Steinbeck had no great love for Texas. He wrote some people get lost there and never find there way out again. It seems Texas just sprawls all over the place like an unwound ball of thread. Down in Alabama and Louisiana, he wrote about race issues. I could tell he was trying to handle this part of the book very delica