
A Veiled DECEPTION by Annette Blair

Friday, January 17, 2014 Madeira who is nicknamed Maddie lives in Mystic Falls, Connecticut. Her most important goal for the year is to get her sister, Sherry's, wedding off to a great start. She is redoing the VanCourtland bridal gown which has come down through the family of Sherry's husband. Maddie will do a beautiful job because her passion is working with Vintage clothing. However, no one expects Justin's ex-girlfriend's body to show up dead before the wedding day. Strangled with the wedding veil?? Perhaps. I also enjoyed reading about the Vintage wedding gown, Bruges lace, etc. The solution to the mystery is amazingly romantic, tragic and challenging to figure out. The solution left me thinking of the beauty of family. I also left to think what is taken from us whether fairly or unfairly can never be regained. The time is gone. One other problem the slang "scrap" drove me nuts. It didn't roll off my tongue easily at le

By Hook Or By Book by D.R. Meredith

Saturday, January 11, 2014 By Hook Or By Book by D.R. Meredith Murder By The Yard Book Store is giving a convention. Although Agnes is the owner of the book store, Megan will head the convention about string figures. She has invited Dr. Brownleigh. He owns the famous, authentic manuscript of Caroline Furness Jayne. Ms. Jayne was an expert about string figures from different cultures. However, all of Megan's plans will go awry when murder or murders enter the door of Murder By The Yard Book Store. I did not know until this mystery how important string figures are in different cultures. I had no idea there was a book written on the subject. I enjoyed learning the names of different string figure arrangements. For those who have time there are instructions at the beginning of each chapter in the book on how to make a particular stick figure. I have read the first book in this series. So I was already familiar with the relationship between Megan and Ryan. He

Burn Out by Teresa Trent

Rocky runs the Pecan Bayou Gazette. Unfortunately, his building catches fire with him in it.  I felt pretty sad about Rocky, but Betsy and her husband, Leo, and two boys had enough problems going on that I didn't worry about Rocky. I just had fun. There is a lot of humor in this cozy. I had to laugh as Betsy used a pink boxed pregnancy test to show what it's like to live in a small town. I always thought living in a small town would be great. After all, I would know everybody and everybody would know me. Now, I'm not so sure about my reasoning. Betsy goes to the pharmacy to quickly and secretly buy a pregnancy test. Impossible. At least, it's impossible in Pecan Bayou, Texas. She switches the pregnancy test off to so many ladies just to get the box in her house  that it's like playing musical chairs with this boxed test. With all her secrecy one lady comes to her with a pink blanket for her soon coming baby girl. Well, how does she know it's a girl when Betsy

Wondrous Words

Wondrous Words Mama Namibia 1. Geneva Convention  The Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties , and three additional protocols , that establish the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment of war . Wikipedia "She thanks me for the scarf and then tells me of a newspaper article questioning why the German troops aren't following the Geneva Convention in their treatment of the Herero and Nama prisoners." 2. Shark Island  "Many of their leaders were executed for treason. Others were shipped off to Shark Island after a few months here. The ones who remain in Swakopmund are forced to work in the icy waters of the Atlantic, hauling rocks to build a better harbor."   Shark Island Concentration Camp or "Death Island" ( Konzentrationslager auf der Haifischinsel vor Lüderitzbucht ) was a concentration camp on Shark Island off Luderitz , Namibia used by the German empire durin

First Chapter First Paragraph

Image Every end is a new beginning. " He's not in there." "What do you mean he's not in there? I left him just a few hours ago. We have to get in there and check! Why is everybody just standing around/" Leo and my father didn't move.  What was wrong with them?I started running into the fire, but felt hands fastening onto my arms to hold me back. The Pecan Bayou Gazette building that stood proudly on Main Street for sixty-three years now began caving in on itself as the white hot flames overtook the structure." 


Image There was a thud in the hall. I shut the laptop without a sound. if someone was in the house they didn't need to find me in here. If it was my dad, he would be pretty curious why I was hiding from him in the dark. Footsteps padded down the hall into a bedroom . I heard drawers opening and then the door closed."

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Image I finished reading and loved The Island of Doves by Kelly O'Connor McNees. I also finished Mama Namibia by Mari Serebrov. Thought I would never finish it. It's really good. It takes place in Africa. Also finished No Longer A Slumdog by K.P. Yohannan. Now I'm reading 50 Things You Need To Know About Heaven by Dr. John Hart. Also, need to start Love Letters from the Edge by Shelly Beachand Wanda Sanchez. This is a complimentary copy from Kregel. The blog tour begins July 21-25, 2014. I desperately need to start my book challenges. (: