
hearing from GOD each morning by Joyce Meyers Unfortunately, I have never met Joyce Meyers in person. When she came to our home town one year my husband and son had the chance to go and hear her speak for three nights. I was at work. My husband excitedly told me over and over about her passion for God. He said she also had the ability to make the audience feel God's presence in the crowded room. I never doubted what my husband told me. I watched her speak on tv. She seemed to speak to me as a friend. I was sure she knew me through and through as she told about her flaws and the many strengths of her husband. Now for the first time I've enjoyed sitting quietly with one of her books, "hearing GOD each morning." Yes, Joyce Meyer's  has written many books. This particular book struck me because of the title. I have always wanted to get up each morning knowing that without a doubt God was beside me. This devotional is wonderful because Joyce Meyer writes so

The Sweet By and By Sara Evans

I am almost tempted to list this book as one of my favorites of 2009. The book is jam packed with different issues and with solidly built characters. The story takes place in Whisper Hollow, Tennessee. What a surprise to read about Chattanooga. This is a place I know well. Jade is the main character along with her fiance Max. Each of these two characters have a past. I have always heard the old saying "let bygones be bygones." After reading "The Sweet By and By," I had to rethink this idea because no matter how much Jade or Max tried not to deal with the past it always appeared in their present moments. While reading about the people in Whisper Hollow, I also thought about our personal choices in life. Those choices ultimately have good or bad consequences. I feel the longer it takes to say "I made this choice. It's my fault." might hinge on how long it takes before we allow Christ to enter our life. If Christ is already known, it might take lo

Jesus Lives by Sarah Young

Sarah Young has written another inspiring and special devotional book. "Jesus Lives" has given my devotions purpose and improved sour moods. While reading a devotion like "Heaven" or "Resting in Him," I think of Sarah Young's bout with illness. What a strong, mighty warrior she is to write and continue to glorify God while going through the worst of times. I do hope and pray her health will improve because her life means so much to so many other believers. While reading a devotional, I am continually drawn to the front of the book or the photo on the particular page I'm reading. The picture of that cross reminds me Jesus is alive and the same today and everyday. He never changes remaining faithful sufficient for all of our needs at all times. Perhaps, it is my imagination. When I look at the cross, I also see an anchor. This valuable book, "Jesus Lives" by Sarah Young proves beyond doubt that Jesus lives and each day he is our anchor

Knockout Entrepreneur by George Foreman with Ken Abraham

This is a powerful, important, interesting and fun to read book. I feel it has every step a person needs who would like to be an entrepreneur. Page after page George Foreman in layman's terms is leading a person through the right and wrong ways of becoming a successful businessman in his community. One important thing is to see a need and fill it. I loved the way he described seeing the first George Foreman Lean, Mean Grilling Machine. It wasn't handsome and pretty like the ones we see in department stores today or like the ones demonstrated on television. Well, it just wasn't attractive. Proving that sometime you have to go for and recognize the future look of a product. You have to take a risk. You need vision. I have to admit to not being  or really desiring to be an entrepreneur. However, George Foreman almost had me sold on a new career in my later life. This is a book that is a knockout punch. It's great! Read it and learn without feeling like you are being t

Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah

Living with Confidence In A Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah is a practical book. It's inspiring because it leads us to think everyday about what God would want us to do during these last days before his Second Return to glorify us.  After reading this book, it's impossible for me to say I don't know what the Lord expects of me during these last days. Dr. Jeremiah discusses the need for compassion toward one another as we move through a rush, rush world. world. One scripture in the book is how can we love God, if we don't love our brother. All of the scriptures are specific to the point Dr. Jeremiah is making in his book. I wanted to put my memory to work by memorizing some of the scriptures given in "Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World." Reading the Bible along with gathering with one another in church will make us able to wait for Christ's return with Peace in our hearts. I have named only a few of the action points in "Living With

The Triumph of Deborah by Eva Etzioni-Halevy

  "The Triumph of Deborah" by Eva Etzioni-Halevy is a Biblical novel about Deborah, the Judge and Prophetess of Israel. With great precision and creativity Eva Etizioni-Halevy draws a historical picture of the history of conflict between Israel and Canaan. It is a time of turmoil. Those in power one day are not in control the next day. Those in slavery became free according to who conquered and who became conquerors. It is a time when women  had a huge role to play in  history. For instance, Deborah, the Israelite, who prophecies and commands the strategies of the Israelites war against the Canaanites. There is Jael, another woman, who will murder a Caananite leader, King Sisra,  for the sake of her people. There is also a slave girl named Nogah. Nogah crossed the boundaries of both the Israelite world and the Caananite world because she was born biracial. Through her eyes Eva Etzioni-Halevy gives a view of Nogah's life. Her father is  King Jabin, a Caananite. Her sist

A Man of His Word by Kathleen Fuller

"A Man of His Word"  by Kathleen Fuller is "wunderbaar, wunderbaar." Wunderbaar translates from Dutch to English. It means wonderful. Because of this book  I most definitely will look for all of Kathleen Fuller's books. With all of their struggles I enjoyed spending days with the families who live in Middlefield, Ohio. By the way, Middlefield, Ohio is a real Amish community. The author gives a detailed view of the setting, the community, in "A note from the author." Throughout the book Kathleen Fuller strives not to leave out any details about this fictional family in Middlefield, Ohio. To make reading easy the author also includes a Dutch glossary at the beginning of the book. This is very helpful. However, Kathleen Fuller writes so clearly and simply I rarely needed to use the glossary. Still, I felt secure with it there in the front of my book. I think of this as two love stories going on in the same neighborhood. Only Taylor Johnston and her f