You Can Hear The Voice Of God by Steve Sampson (Chosen)

There is so much to do and say each day of the week. Daily, people wonder whether they've done it right or said it right. Without staying in touch with God, it's easy to feel guilty and angry too. In You Can Hear The Voice Of God by Steve Sampson, there are ten ways given to feel more assured about our walk through life.

I admit to not understanding all the ways listed in hearing God's voice. How is it possible to differentiate my thoughts from God's voice, or is God's voice my thoughts? Mr. Sampson explains that God's voice is a sort of "drop in?"  This really puzzled me. I am glad Mr. Sampson explains that he hasn't heard God's "real" voice in his mind.

Two of the chapters were really helpful.  I really needed to read the chapter about peace. It is explained that there are two ways of looking at peace. "The first thing we need to recognize in order to clearly hear Him this way is that there is a difference between having the peace of God and having peace with God."

Then, there is the chapter "The Need to Come Boldly." This chapter taught me how to hear God in those moments when I feel afraid or uncertain. God is there for us in those moments. We can pray without the fear that He will turn away from us in anger.

I will definitely find myself rereading the book at a future time for further understanding in hearing God's voice during listening prayer. I must write that I did feel overwhelmed by the number of anecdotes given in each chapter. However, the scriptures in each chapter are very helpful. Those scriptures kept me focused on the fact that it is possible to hear God's voice in listening


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