
Before You Knew You Owned It by Alice Walker

Expect nothing. Live frugally On surprise. become a stranger To need of pity Or, if compassion be freely Given out Take only enough Stop short of urge to plead Then purge away the need. Wish for nothing larger Than your own small heart Or greater than a star; Tame wild disappointment With caress unmoved and cold Make of it a parka For your soul. Discover the reason why So tiny human midget Exists at all So scared unwise But expect nothing. Live frugally On surprise.

Only with Blood by Therese Down (Lion Fiction)

"It was cold. Frost stopped the breath of the land, seized the breath of those who moved upon it. Winter would come early and it would be harsh. Jack Flynn thanked God for a good harvest, for the cows would need early hay. Lately, he felt more keenly the pain of rheumatism in his hands. This creeping infirmity and a cough which daily grew fiercer were insistent reminders to Flynn that he could no longer put off marriage if her were to have sons to inherit his land. The alternative of selling to strangers the land his great-grandfather had purchased over a hundred years before was unthinkable. And so, this evening in 1943 at the age of forty-three, though he would rather have faced any kind of physical test of his courage, he put on his only suit and set off on foot towards the village of Dunane and the house of Malachai Brett, the matchmaker."

Let's Talk About Marigolds

At my apartment, this has been the year of the marigolds. I bought two pots of yellow marigolds in the spring. One pot of them died. The second pot of marigolds is still doing well. Although I would like to have bigger blossoms.  I have heard marigolds are easy to grow. So, I decided to look up a few tips about growing these flowers.   Any pointers you might have would help. By the way, are marigolds perennials or annuals?

Wondrous Words

Image Poem of the Day: Song for the Last Act by Louise Bogan "Now that I have your heart by heart, I see The wharves with their great ships and architraves; "  Poetry Foundation An architrave (/ˈɑrkɨtreɪv/; from Italian: architrave , also called an epistyle; from Greek ἐπίστυλον epistylon "door frame") is the lintel or beam that rests on the capitals of the columns. It is an architectural element in Classical architecture. textramarital   " Recently reissued by New York Review Books, this once-obscure novel, about a textramarital affair between two college instructors, is enjoying a second life as a contemporary classic."   The art of cheating on your partner using text messages.

Teaser Tuesday

"As if it were that simple. I open my mouth to tell him I can't, but all I do is wheeze, and my head is light and I wonder if this is what dying feels like. And then I think how nice it is for Jack's face to be the last thing I see."

before i go by Colleen Oakley

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.   --Isaac Asimov Daisy Richards has beat cancer in the past. However, after a few years, the news from Doctor Sanderson is far more difficult for her and Jack to handle. This time the cancer has spread throughout Daisy's body. She has only four to six months to live. The novel before i go by Colleen Oakley is about how Daisy, Jack, her mother and her friends react to this news. It's also about what will Daisy choose to do with the remainder of her life? This novel will break your heart and mend it again. Daisy seems like a  real person. Many times I thought, "Well, I would react the same way as Daisy in this situation." I thought this way when she bought bunches and bunches of groceries she didn't need. I could also understand when she became so terribly angry with Kayleigh, her friend. Horrible feelings about Kayleigh flew out of her mouth like birds taking flight. Dai

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Image I finished Star Side of Bird Hill by Naomi Jackson. Now I'm reading before i go by Colleen Oakley. Next I need to read Only with Blood by Therese Down.