
First Chapter First Paragraph

"It was the first time she'd seen her son since the day she gave birth to him. Phoenix Fuller had spent an eternity waiting for this moment. She'd counted every single breath, it seemed, for sixteen years, waiting to lay eyes on Jacob again."

Sunrays and Lily Smiles by Leana Wendy Howarth

The poetry in this book is as pretty as the cover of the book. Each poem is meaningful. Some of the poems are about family, growing up, birth and other themes. "My Dad, / he needed to go back...Go back / To his childhood memories - England..." by Liana Wendy Howarth.

Delilah's Daughters by Angela Benson

A Gospel singing group can run into moments of sadness and happiness.  After entering a singing Gospelfest, Veronica, Roxanne and Alisha, all sisters, lose the contest. Delilah their mother is the support and manager of the group. So she is hurt by the loss also. Some people in the audience voiced their love of the group and wanted Delilah's Daughters to win. It isn't long before Veronica is asked to join a big musical corporation named Legends. However, this means leaving her mother and sisters behind while she hopefully soars to the top of the charts as a dancer/singer. Delilah's Daughters by Angela Benson shows what happens when one or two members of a family decide to shoot for success without the rest of the family. Suddenly, the family is torn apart. Old secrets fall out of the closet. For different reasons each person in the family is fighting a battle. Most of all I enjoyed Delilah. She's a very wise woman, but she has her weaknesses too. The novel is Chris

Haiku 1

Jesus forgive me. I always disappoint You. I need You every day.

Toni Bambara's short story Ice

Vintage   Children and pets go together like ice cream and a cone. Lady and her five pups needed the children desperately while the children discovered an important life lesson from the pups. The children discovered that there is something called death which takes you away forever. Lady knew she needed more than herself during hard times. I suppose the lesson is all of us need one another in some way. Vintage (Amazon)

Haiku K

Now, I am your fool. In the darkness, I cry tears. In bed I wipe away you.

The Hawk And The Dove Trilogy by Penelope Wilcock

The Hawk and the Dove series is a trilogy which follows the life of Father Peregrine, the Abbot of St. Alcuin's Benedictine abbey. Along with learning about Father Peregrine's life, there is much to learn about  the brothers. After reading the first book The Hawk and the Dove" and the next two books, I wanted to immediately read another book in the series. In each book, Penelope Wilcock describes these lovable characters not as saintly but as flawed men who love God and who have given their lives to please Him. The stories become deeply personal as we learn about men who struggle with befriending fellow brothers,  and also fight with the aging process and death. Not surprisingly, some brothers feel called away from the inner world of the abbey and back into society to love and be loved by someone other than their Christ. Then they become involved with a battle whether to  hold on to the world or to hold on to a life in the sanctuary of Christ. Also,