Daily Prompt Edge

For a very long time, people believed they could fall from the edge of the earth. That must have been awful to live with such a fear. It's not hard for me to understand their belief and their feelings. My first time visiting an island was frightening. If we drove far enough, I thought we would reach the end of the island or edge of the ocean. If we didn't stop the car quickly or turn around, our lives would end. It's strange how the mind can turn on a silly thought, and believe it. I cringed each time we had gotten to a certain point of the island.

Now I think of these thoughts as a good plot for a Science Fiction movie. I'm sure my feelings have changed about the dangerous edge. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this feeling while visiting an island. I must have missed facts in Geography class. I'm not sure whether islands end abruptly. Is their en edge like an edge to a cliff? Is it possible to go too far and fall into the ocean? I could swear we came to the very end of the island a couple of times as we visited a camping site.

I know my thoughts about that island are silly. Probably, these thoughts are caused by pessimistic thinking. My anxiety makes me think there is an edge to almost everything on earth. I must hold on tightly to something or someone or crash land. Before death, is there an edge to approach? Of course, there is an edge to sanity. Don't want to cross that edge. Just recently I finished reading a book by Jessica Sherry. She wrote "we are one pain away from lunacy." Perhaps, those are not her exact words.

As life passes, I am becoming more positive with the help from blog articles, sermons, t.v. programs. Each day my first thought is that I'm on the edge of a new beginning.dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/edge/


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