Everyday Grace by Jessica Thompson

In life, it's very important to have relationships with other people. As a matter of fact, it's just about impossible to not have a relationship. We're born in to families. Families grow larger. Then, there are friends made along the way. However, it's also next to impossible not to find ourselves impacted by a bad relationship. In Everyday grace by Jessica Thompson, there is a path to learning how to stay out of the fiery furnace of bad relationships. Why should these bitter times come our way? How can we avoid or mend the bad times? When times are good in a relationship, why?

I experienced a great deal of happy joy while reading this nonfiction book. I had no idea that "grace" could play such an important part in my life with other people who are important to me or who are just acquaintances. Perhaps, the dedication at the front of the book is a clue for those who have not read "Everyday Grace" yet. This dedication is dedicated to Cody.  "Your commitment to love me through it all is astounding. You reflect the way Christ loves the church. I love you." 

Jessica Thompson's words make me feel open to the miracle of meeting new people. Who knows what may happen on a given day as long as our eyes are centered on Jesus?  Bethany House Publishers, amazon.com/Jessica-Thompson


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