I still Remember

Many years ago God took my mother home to Glory. Still, her words ring in my ears. At one point in my childhood, I was plagued with nightmares. I might have been eight or nine years old. One particular day after a sleepless night my mother told me, "whenever one of those boogie-man dreams makes you want to run under the bed, call me I will come. Also, repeat the Bible verses I taught you. Remember Psalm 23?." I would repeat those verses during a church recital in Baltimore while visiting my aunt and uncle. For my effort, I won a brand new Bible. The Bible was all white and the page  were edged  in bright gold. I felt so happy. Now I think of Psalm 23 as one of God's rescue verses. All I have to do is read or repeat the first verse of Psalm 23, immediately I am taken to a place of hope and safety. I am rescued. I am fond of the family memories surrounding  this verse. I am also a lover of sheep. This Psalm helps me see Jesus as The Divine Shepherd. I have never seen a shepherd in a painting, photograph or movie who does not appear deeply concerned for his sheep. He has their best interests at heart.

Since Jesus is the Most Highest Shepherd, there is no need to doubt His promise that our daily needs no matter how small are at the forefront of His mind.  All that is needed is the desire to rest and abide in Him. Then, we will never want. When I look back at those dark, ugly childhood nights, I know Jesus acted as my Shepherd. After a repeat of the Psalm, I would go back to sleep and rest peacefully. The bad dream would never return during that night. Today I want to strive to see The Lord as my Shepherd. If I can remember, I will write down the particular times I have a need to call on Him.I will also write down the times I fail and just crumble in a puddle of tears. I think The Lord will help me make this a fun exercise. I'm afraid to try this little challenge, but again Psalm 23 tells me "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." 

Psalm 23


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