Wondrous Words

etiology "Of the fact that you're interested in my etiology."
  • n.
    The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease.


    a covered litter, formerly used in the Orient, carried on the shoulders of four men Dictionary.com
    "beyond desires and beyond
     regrets,  at which I may arrive
    whose palms droop in the sun
         like palanquins
    with tigerish shadows under them. 

    to study them in their
         mythical conceit
    that they have beat across the
        sea from Egypt
    with the pharaonic ibis, its...
    Pharaonic  1: of, relating to, or characteristic of a pharaoh or the pharaohs. 2: enormous in size or magnitude <pharaonic construction projects> Merriam Webster Dictionaryhttp://bermudaonion.wordpress.com



bermudaonion said…
I've looked up palanquin before but couldn't remember it. Thanks for playing along!
Julia Tomiak said…
Never heard of the last two- very obscure. Thanks for sharing. I guess "pharaonic"makes sense.
B Reading said…
Pharaonic makes sense as Julia says. I know of palanquins but not etiology.
Tea said…
Pharaonic is the hardest to find. For some reason, I thought palanquins were clowns. Don't ask me why. Thanks for stopping by.

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