W...W...W... Wednesdays

I've finished Doctor At Thessaly by Anne Zouroudi. Have the next one on hold at the library. I think it's the first book in the series. I'm half way through What Is Visible by Kimberly Elkins. So, I'm spending  quite a bit of time on it. Would like to finish two books this week. I dare not say three. Shouldn't say two. The other books have bookmarks. This is my second reading of Veronika Decides To Die by Paulo Coelho. I'm getting so much from the second reading. I might as well discount the first reading of it. The Lost Highwayman? What can I tell you? It's all that. So much fun. In that one, I'm in Scotland in a huge estate with a Highlander. In The Devil Riding by Valerie Wilson Wesley, I'm in Atlantic City, N.J. A place very familiar to me before the casinos came along.


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