Friday 56

"I saw a recognizable behavior--due to manners, in this case--I felt that we weren't so different, that whatever made us different wasn't more than the random matter of life experience."


That is so true! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.
Katherine P said…
The excerpt isn't quite as visual as the beginning was but I'm still intrigued by the book. I will definitely have to look for it.
Yvonne said…
Interesting and a very nice cover too!
LadyD Piano said…
Good excerpt! I'm relating... By the way, your blog looks great!
Life experience is worth its weight in gold, don't you think? and shouldn't really be tossed aside almost, as a 'random matter'.

Nearly as important as the manners which seem to be at the root of the problem in this excerpt. There is no excuse for bad manners or behaviour.

I hope that this one continues to live up to your expectations.

Have a great weekend,

fredamans said…
Curious 56.

Happy weekend!

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