Book Beginnings

"One by one, peal by peal, the joyful church bells fell silent. First, word reached the chapel of St. Anna's; from there, the message passed to St. Sotiris's where the ringer looped the bell rope on its hook and set off to her daughter's for more news. ..So they found a bicycle and told the oldest boy to travel quickly; and midway through a celebratory peal, that bell too faltered in its rhythm, and was still."


Great beginning! This looks like a perfect summer read with some substance. Thanks for visiting me @ The Key to the Gate! Have a great weekend.
Happy Reading,
I love this opening and I'm curious about what has happened to still the bells. I'll read this one.
Here's the link to my Friday post: INTERIOR DESIGNS.
Anonymous said…
where is he?...well a room obviosuly, but what country?

My BB and 56
I enjoyed this imaginative opening. Hope the story is as good.

My Friday post:
Makes me think of Sherlock Holmes and his thrilling adventures :)

Sparrow's BB & Friday 56
Katherine P said…
Sounds like a fun book! I definitely want to know why the bells quit ringing?
Elizabeth said…
I LOVE the cover and the beginning.

I love pealing bells. :)

THANKS so much for sharing.

Silver's Reviews
My Book Beginnings

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