The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

In Aberdeen County there are quite a few secrets. Some secrets lie beyond the grave. Other secrets have never been forgiven. Not only are there unlocked stories in Aberdeen County, there are also people who are very creative. If not creative with there hands, their bodies are sculptured in a way which will never be forgotten.

For example, there is Truly. Truly is very, very big. She is solidly built like nothing is meant to go wasted in her life. There is Amelia who is mostly silently. When a few words leave her lips, it's not hard to believe the words were sculptured with care. Then, there is Robert Morgan who uses his hands to heal the sick. He is a doctor.  There is Marcus who creates gardens with his hands. There is Serena Jane who creates a life, Bobbie. Then, there is Bobbie, her son, who recreates his mother by touching the blue silk dress his mother wore or wearing girl's clothes in secret. There is also Tabitha. Some, in her day, might have thought of her as a witch. Tabby leaves a quilt behind which holds The Shadow Book. Tabby's quilt will become recreated in the hands of Truly. In her own way, Truly is a doctor like Robert Morgan. The question is does she use the quilt out of mercy or anger.

The novel is amazing. Nothing is whom or what it seems at the time. It's like magic is alive and well in the town. Robert Morgan is not the kind physician people are use to knowing in a small town. Truly is large in size, but she is largely invisible to other people. Serena Jane disappears. In any magic act someone or something has to disappear. There is Bobbie who one moment is a boy for the eyes of his father. Then, with Truly he becomes a girl feeling free to allow himself to live the life he would like to live.

There are stunning quotations or thoughts throughout the book. Answers to questions any person might have asked at one time or another. The characters are unforgettable, and the quilt is one which feels so real it's almost possible to see it in reality, but then, that's magic too.tiffanybaker,


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