Chasing Ararat by Gita Nazareth

"Chasing Ararat" is about death and heaven. There is the sweetness of the death. From the way Gita Nazareth describes "Shemaya" all of my boring, heavy, monotonous chores will end. In the novel, Shemaya is likened to a "vacation." While visiting Brek Cuttler in heaven, I became loaded down with too many imaginary ideas. These ideas stated by the author confused and perplexed me. I didn't understand the train station idea. I didn't understand the idea of trials without judgment. I especially disliked and thought it ludicrous that a man who had been decapitated during his life would talk with someone in heaven and his head would come off for the second time and the area would spout blood. Really, I thought this was somewhat silly. I had a lot of problems with this book. I feel it let me down. I do not blame Gita Nazareth. I blame myself. My mind is too shallow to catch her images and their meaning. I am too earthy to understand Shemaya. However, I hope there is still time to save myself from the gates of Hell.


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