Fearless by Max Lucado

"Fearless" by Max Lucado is a wonderfully inspiring book for any person who actively lives with fear everyday. I don't mind admitting it. I deal with anxiety everyday. Throughout the night I worry about my children and grandchildren. While I worry, my husband sleeps peacefully. Of course Christian radio is always on in his car too.

However, Max Lucado's book, "Fearless" is proof that our lives go through seasons. It is not impossible for Jesus to change a person of fear. He can make any person full of courage. The process begins with the opening of this magnificent book.

I have read "Fearless" daily. Each time I read Max Lucado's book I walk away feeling strong enough to kill any Goliath in my path. I also have learned many of my Goliaths are shaped only by my colorful imagination. Half of what I worry about never happens. I could have avoided the headaches, swaying tummy and shaking hands just with a prayer on my lips and a remembrance of one of the stories in the Bible where Jesus so often saves those in trouble.

Hey, who says we can't whisper a prayer every moment of the day? Jesus never quantified prayer. According to Max Lucado Jesus lovingly left us examples of Him praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter crying out for Him on the water and Mary remembering her Son, Jesus, immediately when the wedding almost became a disaster to be talked about for months. "Fearless" is a reminder there is plenty of "real" catastrophes in the world, but we can overcome the world.


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