
The Bear by Claire Cameron

And Daddy said he was so happy to be with us and that we were in Algonquin Park and that was a good way to be four. Bates Island, Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park

The Book of John

operationreadbibleread-with-me-john-week This is a Bible Challenge to read The Book of John and finish in time for Easter. I've never done a Bible challenge. I have finished the first chapter of John.  John 1:35  Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, "Behold the lamb of God!" I like knowing that one of the names of God is "The Lamb of God." I guess this is because sheep are one of my favorite animals. I would like to become like a lamb. Instead, I'm the opposite. I can be disobedient and all the other negative traits of being human. A lamb seems so gentle and obedient and meek. When I think of Jesus like a lamb, I become less afraid of Him. I know He won't hurt me. He is full of loving kindness.     


It isn't easy to share our honest selves with God or with ourselves. Rod Tucker in Uncovered gives the tools needed to make it less difficult. However, there is no way around the fact that a willingness to become vulnerable is necessary. However, as we become more open and forget about hiding our sins, vices or shortcomings, there is the gift of Grace from God and fellowship. I wasn't aware of the different ways we can hide ourselves from others and ourselves. There are story examples given by the author. These helped me to understand on a deeper level what "uncovering" means. Just a small point from the book, I didn't understand the harm in giving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the homeless people passing on the streets in New Orleans after Katrina had hit. It seemed like a small, nice beginning, a small way to show love and care. It's a short book. The book is thought provoking. So I will think of it many times after writing this book review. http:

The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley Source Books

Eva has suffered a terrible loss, the death of her sister Katrina. Eva's last loving duty to her sister, Katrina, is to return to their childhood in Cornwall. Eva believes this is the place Katrina would pick for her last resting place. While there, Eva spends many memorable moments with childhood friends. Friends whom she and Katrina enjoyed once upon a time along with their stepmother, Claire.  The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley is a Time Travel novel. The story is lovely and heavy with meaning about relationships. All of the characters whether villains are not make the novel feel real and intense. There are Mark and Susan, brothers and sisters. Claire, as said, is their stepmother, Eva is a long time friend. Oliver is another friend who enjoys and sees the wonder in Irish History. Another friend is Felicity. Felicity is an entrepreneur who wants to open a tea shop.  Then, there is another set of characters to meet. The ones whom Eva meets when she falls from the Twenty F

Revolution In World Misions by K.P. Yohannan

This nonfiction book led me into the world of missionaries. There is so much I didn't know. I wasn't aware that since the World Wars the life of missionaries out in the field as changed drastically. It seems the Western world's desire to see people fed, hospitalized and given other social programs has taken the focus off the true purpose of the  church. The purpose of the church is to preach the Gospel, Acts 26:18. However, the question that deserves answering more than ever before is what should the missionary do first? Should he preach the Gospel first and not worry about the social problems faced, for example, by the Asians, or should the missionary concern himself or herself with the social problems first? What comes first? The chicken? The egg? That is the question. K. P. Yohannan creatively makes it imperative to look at both sides of the question. According to K.P. Yohannan in Revolution In World Missions, the question deserve answers immediately or people acro



Revolution In World Missions by K. P. Yohannan

"When Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from  years of living in England and South Africa, he quickly realized the "Quit India" movement was failing because its national leadership was not willing to give up European ways. So even though he was Indian, he had to renounce his Western dress and customs or he would not have been able to lead his people out from under the British yoke. He spent the rest of his life relearning how to become an Indian again-in dress, food, culture and lifestyle....He became the father of my nation, the George Washington of modern India." historymahatma-gandhi