The Power Of Presence by Neil T. Anderson August 1 - 8, 2016

The Power Of Presence by Neil T. Anderson is a true love story about a husband and wife. It is a book which is very thought provoking. When the author's wife becomes ill with dementia, their whole lives change. All of a sudden he must care for his wife, Joanne, in the smallest of ways from feeding her to helping her rise from a chair to combing her hair. What helps Dr. Anderson get through it is the awareness of God's presence.

It's very interesting to read about his ability to find beauty and purpose in silence. He looks at a football game with the volume turned down. He remains silent to listen to her words which are out of order, one thing becomes another thing and her dreams are, well, who can understand a person's dreams? Much worse are the dreams of someone who is to put it gently losing touch with reality gradually.

While reading their story, what touched me the most were the small conversations between the two. The times when she did come back from her imaginary world to his world. In this world, he calls her "babe" and tells her about Heaven.

Then, there is silence again experienced with Joanne. "I hear her groaning for redemption." I go on to read again about a coming away from the daily cares and chores for the body to learn about what this world had to offer him. Dr. Neil T. Anderson shares his trip to Israel. I wish the whole book had been about his travels there. I can only "see through a glass darkly." He is standing in the Garden of Gethsemane. Then, he is at the Jordan River and the Mount of Olives.

I had never heard of the Church of All Nations. The name gives me goose bumps. It is near there on a rock where Jesus prayed the most inspiring prayer asking God to remove the present circumstances from his life. (Luke 22:42). My mind traveled back to Joanne, his wife. How many times had he...? Did he...?"

The book is practical. There are many resources listed in the back. Two or three catch my eyes: Overcoming Depression, with Joanne Anderson, Setting Your Marriage Free by Charles Mylander. This is the type of book which one wants to reread again and again as new changes enter our lives.


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