Thank You!

I received an inspiring book this week. It is a courtesy copy from Barbour Publishing. It is about illness in a family. Their struggle to help their baby deal with a terminal illness. The cover shows the love for the child. There when the baby was born and growing as the life tender moment continued. When I read about the struggles of other people whether families or single people I learn how to become less complaining in my own struggles. These lives strongly help growth in the area of perseverence, never giving up and love.

This book and its synopsis are a reminder of a Pastor's words from the scriptures a week or so ago as America traveled through the days of Black Lives Matter. For a long time, it's been my favorite scripture discovered during days at my childhood home and brought into the times of trial during marriage, motherhood and aging. The scripture helped me keep going. What helped this family go on? One of the worse scares I would think is having an infant born with an illness which could lead to the baby's death. Does it turn the family inside out? How does the family change whether positively or negatively? I don't know. Anxious to find out. So again thank you to Barbour Publishing for this non-fiction book.


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