Resolved by Lina Abujamra

Beginning in Sunday school I heard the Bible story about David and Goliath. All Sunday school teachers and preachers taught that God would help me, little David, to fight my giants. All I needed was a sling and a stone. Lina Abujamra repeats the significance and wonder of this Old Testament story and ends with one of her ten resolutions. However, what really caught my attention was her chapter about love.
Because of current events there have been many conversations, speeches and church forums about love and its power to rid the world of hate. As the song goes, "all we need is love." Some youths have dared to say it will take more than a song about love. My goodness, such blasphemous talk against God's very own character. In Resolved by Lina Abujamra, there is given place to the thought that showing love, becoming love, giving love is not easy. As the author writes, it is not "easy peasy lemon squeezy."
The statement shook me up. If it is not easy to love, how hard is it? Is it ever possible? What are the answers? The answer is given with another resolution in a inset. It's a powerful, simple to read nonfiction book to strengthen faith while we struggle through life's battles. The author shows ways to reexamine our lives. It's a chance to rethink what might have become our traditional thinking and to continue reaching for love. "If you and I want to love others with freedom and power, we're going to have to understnad God's love for us first. That's where our "swag" comes in."


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