A Strange Collection

This guy seems so weird. His name is Archibald Lawless. I love the way Walter Mosley describes him, his office, etc. Before the end of the story I might end up hating him. "The man standing there before me had no double in the present day world or in history...The wall to my left had a series of shelves that held various oddities."

I want so badly to get in a corner and look at these cute, maybe strange objects in his office. One gives me the willies....."a rattlesnake suspended in fluid in a large jar...." Yuck! Is this a Biology lab?

  • toy chest
  • child's baby doll
  • a rattlesnake suspended in fluid in a large jar
  • a parchment scroll
  • a human skull
  • a stuffed animal
  • a necklace
  • pieces of glass represent "emeralds and rubies" 
I didn't name every item.  There is more stuff in the office Walter Mosley writes that isn't named in the list. What kind of guy other than a professor keeps these types of objects and walks around barefoot.


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