The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat by Edward Kelsey Moore

Have you peeked at my books on the shelf? This one has been there awhile. It called to me this morning. Its voice loud and clear. I had to answer it. Picked the novel up and started it. The writing style blew me away. Usually, a novel carries me from my world to another one. This one just led me back into a world of memories and into a Still Life painting I might have observed in a museum. Let me share a bit with you.

"I grabbed the water pitcher and saw a bowl of grapes sitting next to it looking cool and delicious...I sat down at what had been my place at the table for three decades and poured a glass of water. Then I popped a handful of grapes into my mouth and started to feel better."

Suddenly I could see myself back at the dining room table eating breakfast, lunch or dinner with my family. I could taste the grapes or bananas eaten with my children on a trip to a beach. It all flew back in my mind as quickly as the birds fly back from the South to reach the North in the warming weather. I could also see my Dad drinking a cold glass of water from the "icebox" as we called it at that time. Now I feel like writing a Haiku about...


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