Luna Sea by Jessica Sherry

It's taken me a hot moment to get into this book. Luna Sea by Jessica Sherry. It has finally begun to catch my interest. I am curious about the distressed red headed woman who disappears after Delilah sees her. '"Then, search the beach! The marsh!"' I argued. '"She's out there somewhere, and she's in trouble. She was convulsing, Lewis. Her lips were blue and her pulse was racing. She needs help!"'

I liked the Oceanic facts mentioned at the beginning of each chapter. The author slips sea facts into metaphors that fit whatever or wherever the character is in the book: Triggerfish, Angelfish, etc. There is also poetry and proverbs like "finders keepers."  Lo and behold, there are also scriptures. Mainly the one in the Bible about a sound mind. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7

Delilah often thinks about this scripture. She suffers with panic attacks and other mental conditions like not knowing whether what she has seen is really true or not true. She also suffers with a fear of water. Her mental condition and the horrible bodily attacks she suffers became my number one concerned. Just thinking about a man putting a knife to a woman's throat and twisting her already damaged elbow made me sick.

I loved Sam as much as Delilah cared for him. They are perfect for one another. Their romance is beautiful. I must say Sam knows how to give an unforgettable kiss. Since a romance must go further than whispered words and kisses, it soon is time for Sam and Delilah to get to know one another better. At this point, we touch the static in the electricity or the friction. Both Sam and Delilah have a hard time communicating with one another about their past. Usually, the male in these books has a hard time opening up and the woman acts as the healer of his broken soul. So, it was good to see that inability to communicate can happen to male or female and those boundaries don't have to remain up. A relationship can still grow.

One situation made me not understand Sam at all. After Delilah's experience with a knife around her throat, he jokingly makes a knife movement across her throat with his hand. He knew about what she had gone through. He apologizes. Still, I couldn't understand him. I really became upset with him. Delilah didn't seem as upset. I couldn't understand her passivity. Perhaps, she didn't want to fly into another Panic attack. A  Panic can seem like a Heart attack. They are brutal.

It was fascinating to read about the behaviors of the officers and Delilah after she becomes concerned about drugs in the children's Halloween or Ocktoberfest candy. I fully felt the same feelings as she. However, I think the officers and some of the people on the beach felt she was just a screaming maniac. Innocent of any crime, Delilah is taken into jail. This whole situation scared me. I now realize the importance of trying to remain in control no matter what is going on. I can see that it's better to try and remain calm and not upset other people. I just don't think she needed to be carted off to jail. It was a hairy situation. I  liked the setting of Tipee Island and the mention of regions in North Carolina. I remember the abandoned lighthouse. I was provided a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.


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