Wife of the Gods by Kwei Quartey

I am learning so much about Africa while enjoying a mystery written by Kwei Quartey. The title is Wife of the Gods. I've been reading about a woman brought to trial by her brother in law. He takes his sister in law to a witch doctor. The accused woman's name is Akua. She is infertile. The decision is that the wife, Osewa,  has no womb because her sister has practiced bad magic upon her. It is decided by the witch doctor to have three chickens killed. If they die breast up, Akua will gain her freedom and not have the blame on her shoulder of her sister's childlessness.

I really became so upset with this part of the novel. I am sure the bloody experience destroyed Akua's mind and spirit. She is described as "writhing and screaming like a beast...frothing saliva." I wonder what it is like to see this happen when you have not grown up in this society's culture. I would feel totally helpless. I don't know if looking at a woman "feathered and bloodied" would leave me out of my right mind. How is it possible to learn without prejudice the practices of other countries and religions?

The novel is fascinating. Just had to write about this woman's experience. I also thought of the barren woman. Did this situation cause a breech between the sisters? Two women are emotionally hurt because of one man's impatience to wait for his wife's birth of a child.
Thank goodness, in our society we are not judged by whether we can have children, or are we?


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