Wondrous Words

1. profiterole

A small hollow pastry typically filled with cream and covered with chocolate sauce.

"The profiteroles?" He adjusted the brim of his  hat, licking his lips.

Advance Copy - The Woman in the Photograph by Dana Gynther
Gallery Books


2. kepis (Sorry, I couldn't find exact sentence. Should have marked it).

 A French military cap with a flat circular top and a visor. 



bermudaonion said…
I knew kepis but profiterole was new to me and now I want one. :)
Julia Tomiak said…
All new to me! I'm hungry too ;)
Anonymous said…
Profiterole sounds really good, all new for me today.
Unknown said…
Kepis is the style of hat for soldiers during the Civil War. I knew profiterole, and of course now I want some dessert. Luckily I have some Chubby Hubby in the freezer.

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