Stronger by Clayton King

Hard trials that come our way build us up. They don't tear us down. In Stronger by Clayton King, there are traits of character listed. We become more vulnerable, humble and strong and really give our hearts to worship during struggles in our lives. The author, Clayton King, after thirty years of his life had passed, and during one of the saddest moments of his life, the death of his mother became a 'new' man.

It's deeply touching to read about the author's parents, their illnesses and other problems. His personal experiences made me look at situations I had gone through in my own life. His journal entries are also an important part of the book. These entries are at the very beginning of the book. Here is one. "I can grow bitter or I can become better."

Throughout Stronger, a bit about Hospice Care is mentioned. I am now more aware of the way this system works with family and friends.  Who knows what the future will bring?


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