Day Of Atonement by David A. deSilva

Kregel  Publications
The Grecian empire's ruler, Antiochus, has come to change the life of  people in Jerusalem. This situation causes discord between families and friends.  There are Honiah, Eleazar, Jason and Meir on Judah's side and on Greece's side there is, Sarpedon and Appollonios. At first, their leader, Antiochus, used subtle brainwashing of the masses. Finally, an all out rebellion happens with the Maccabees and Greece. One goal is to make Judah give up the laws of  life taught in the Torah. For example, they should no longer worship one God but worship idols like Zeus Olympios.

Like any time of civil war, this is a complicated period. People change allegiances as quickly as they change their garments. It reminded me of America's Civil War during the Nineteenth Century. It's brother against brother in one household.  Day of Atonement by David A. deSilva brings alive a time of brutal revolution. It is a time when people show courage and loyalty to their God or become like cowards.

 It moved me emotionally to read about the physical and emotional pain experienced by the different characters. Here is an example.  "'Miryam staggered forward from the herd of prisoners into the middle of the courtyard. She stood silently, looking at what remained of her three sons.....she collapsed to the ground released the wail that had been building within her....'"



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