Restoring All Things by Warren Cole Smith John Stonestreet

It is good to learn that the Kingdom of God is an experience we can have "here and now." According to these two authors, Smith and Stonestreet, we don't have to wait until the future to experience that joyful type of living. I have always believed that the abundance of  prosperity and peace will not be experienced until we die and hopefully join Jesus in Heaven. I'm use to thinking about the Great by and by. However, the beginning is now.

I also found it interesting to learn  that Christian college students may change their way of thinking after taking a course of study at a university. Christian ideas it seem are gently pushed aside or forcibly removed by professors who are not Christians or hold very liberal ideas. Therefore, political ideologies held before college might change after a student enters the college doors.

The subtitle of Restoring All Things really sticks in my mind. "God's audacious plan to change the world through everyday people." That means if we are willing to work, all of us can experience the Kingdom today in the Twenty-first


bermudaonion said…
This sounds like a book a lot of people need to be reading these days.
Vicki said…
Interesting! I know a few people who would also be interested in reading this book.
Tea said…
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, it's a bit controversial.

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