Friday 56

"Since then, I've had tea with the Abercrombies, who live three doors down, Been to a backyard barbecue at Bob and Marlene's....a pool party at Barry and Jelinda's...had watermelon martinis at Julie's...took in a rose garden gathering at Sally's."http://fredasvoice.com


Oh, I have been wanting to read this one! I love the column in her magazine, and think it was a great idea to compile them in a book.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
sherry fundin said…
I would probably pass on this, but thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
sherry @ fundinmentalFriday Memes
Unknown said…
That quote is great to pull people in who want the glamorous life. Here's my post.
Juli Rahel said…
Oh wow, I hadn't heard of Oprah writing this book! I love how the F56 sounds a bit... bored, almost? As if she knows that this is quite a superficial life? I don't know, might be reading into it too much! It sounds really good though! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have an amazing weekend!
My Friday post
Juli @ Universe in Words
I'd like to know a little bit more about this book before buying it. The list in your excerpt makes me wonder: Is Oprah bragging? I hope not!
My Friday post features WILLOW VALE.
I never really watched Oprah, but I bet she has a lot of interesting experiences to share. Happy reading!
Tea said…
Oh no, she's not bragging. She's had been too busy to make friends at first. After a while, she came to realize the importance of getting to know the people in her community.

Thanks all for stopping by.
Katherine P said…
While I know who she is I don't know all that much about her. This sounds like it could be an interesting book. Thanks for sharing!
fredamans said…
I'd love to read this book!
Happy weekend!

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